House Md Season 1 : Pilot
Almost the 10th time watching this show; and everytime it's always intruiging from the start. The show features Gregory House who is the head of a Diagnostic Medicine Department in Princeton Plainsbro Hospital and his team of 3 doctors, foreman looks smarter than the rest while...
Php has come a long way since it's inception back in 1994 when Lerdof was creating a script to complete his assignment to late 2015...
Edward snowden recently pointed the above image out on a tweet, anyone who has contributed on open source...
Existentialism And Nihilism
The feeling of intense dread that comes about when a person gets struck with the experience of reponsibility or freewill, for instance a common example is when standing on the edge of...
House Md Season 1: Paternity
Once again, house solved the case, slow but clever!
I noted that one of the key moment's later in the season where foreman talks about informed consent is highlighted when he is informing Dan's parents...
Dr. Norman Borlaug
The man who saved a billions lives
Dr. Norman Borlaug, third from the left, trains biologists in Mexico on how to...